San Antonio Geriatric Research, Education and Clinical Center (GRECC)
The San Antonio Geriatric Research, Education, and Clinical Center (GRECC) was established in 1987. GRECC faculty published 76 peer-reviewed manuscripts. This GRECC serves elderly Veterans in central and south Texas. Its current research interests include metabolism and endocrine disorders in advancing age; nutrition in the elderly; metabolic disease management in the elderly; sensory/impairment in the elderly; aging, ethnicity, and the capacity to engage in daily living activities; end of life care; healthcare utilization and quality assessment; and the utilization of oral health services.
Research: Metabolism and endocrinology in aging, frailty, sarcopenia, cognitive disorders, oral health in the elderly, palliative care, oxidative stress, and basic biology of aging.
Education: Provides local, regional, and national multidisciplinary and discipline-specific continuing education programs; fellowship trainee programs in geriatric medicine and palliative care; dental residency geriatric program; geriatric traineeships in social work, psychology, occupational therapy, and pharmacy; outreach programs off-site at VAMCs in our and adjacent Veterans Integrated Service Networks (VISNs).
Clinical: Maintains, in association with Geriatrics and Extended Care, an outpatient geriatric
evaluation and management unit (GEM) and primary care geriatric clinics, inpatient acute care
service, and home care, day care, hospices, and nursing home services. Clinical sites
provide patient populations for research in functional status, cognitive disorders, and affective
disorders. GRECC faculty members provide clinical research and administrative consultations
to other VAMCs.
Please visit our website for the San Antonio Geriatric Research, Education, and Clinical Center (GRECC).