Studies Currently Recruiting
Exercise Science/MoTrPAC
You know that exercise is good for your health, but have you ever wondered why? We’re looking for men and women who are 18 years of age and older to participate in our MoTrPAC research study.
The purpose of this study is to learn if taking a statin could help older adults live well for longer by preventing dementia, disability or heart disease.
Evaluating Resilience
This is a pilot study to evaluate the impacts of cardiometabolic health among Hispanic adults. Our goal is to determine new ways to identify people who are at highest risk of fast aging and developing heart disease later in life.
Alzheimer’s Study (REACH Clinical Trial)
This trial will evaluate the use of Rapamycin to slow progression of amnestic mild cognitive impairment and early-stage Alzheimer’s.
RAPA Substudy E
This new study will help find out what effects Rapamycin has on people who take the drug and the drug’s effect on heart function, heart muscle stiffening, and other effects on circulation.
The purpose of this study is to evaluate whether long-term side effects from the virus that causes COVID-19 infection affects physical function and cells named senescent cells (a cell that ages and permanently stops dividing but does not die). Additionally, we will evaluate interventions in those with a body mass index > 30 to determine if these intervention might have a positive effect on whole body function.
High intensity exercise and virtual reality for balance in Parkinson’s disease
This study aims to determine the effects of aerobic exercise as a primer to add-on virtual reality (VR)-based rehabilitation on balance and postural control and neuroplasticity (ability of brain to adapt in structure and function) in those with Parkinson’s disease.
Sex-specific Determinants of Early-phase Recovery From Skeletal Muscle Disuse (MAC)
The goal of this study is to characterize phenotypic and molecular skeletal muscle changes in middle-aged men and women during critical periods of disuse and rehabilitation and ultimately direct the development of targeted and effective prevention and treatment strategies.